Life Style

The Mystery Were Fake Eyelashes Called Umbrellas?

Fake eyelashes, also known as false eyelashes or falsies, have been a staple in the world of cosmetics for decades. They are used to enhance the length, fullness, and overall appearance of eyelashes. However, there’s a peculiar question that often arises among beauty enthusiasts and historians alike: were fake eyelashes ever referred to as “umbrellas”?

The Myth vs. Reality

The notion of fake eyelashes being called “umbrellas” might seem whimsical or even absurd at first glance. Yet, like many linguistic curiosities, this claim has a historical basis worth exploring.

Unraveling the Origins

The term “umbrellas” in reference to fake eyelashes traces back to the mid-20th century, particularly during the 1950s and 1960s. This era marked a significant shift in beauty standards, with exaggerated, glamorous looks becoming increasingly popular.

The Glamour of the 1950s and 1960s

During the post-war period, there was a resurgence of opulence and glamour in fashion and beauty. Women sought to emulate the elegance and sophistication of Hollywood icons like Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, and Elizabeth Taylor. False eyelashes became a symbol of this glamorous aesthetic, with women donning them to achieve larger-than-life lashes reminiscent of their silver screen idols.

The Rise of Creative Terminology

As false eyelashes gained popularity, various slang terms emerged to describe them. One of these terms was “umbrellas.” The reasoning behind this moniker is not definitively documented, but there are several theories.

Theory 1: Protection from the Elements

Some speculate that the term “umbrellas” was coined due to the resemblance between false eyelashes and the shape of an umbrella. Just as an umbrella shields one from rain or sun, fake eyelashes were thought to protect the eyes or enhance their allure, much like an umbrella does for one’s body.

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Theory 2: Visual Representation

Another theory suggests that “umbrellas” was a playful way to describe the visual effect of false eyelashes. Much like an umbrella expands when opened, fake eyelashes were seen as expanding or amplifying the eyes, creating a similar visual impact.

Theory 3: Marketing Creativity

In the world of beauty and cosmetics, creative terminology often plays a significant role in marketing. It’s possible that “umbrellas” was a marketing ploy employed by cosmetic companies to make their products stand out in a crowded market. The whimsical and memorable nature of the term could have contributed to its adoption among consumers.


Q1: Were Fake Eyelashes Actually Called Umbrellas?

A: Yes, during the mid-20th century, fake eyelashes were occasionally referred to as “umbrellas” in certain circles, particularly within the beauty and fashion industries.

Q2: Why Were They Called “Umbrellas”?

A: The exact reason behind the term is not definitively known, but theories suggest it may have been due to the shape resemblance, visual effect, or as a creative marketing strategy.

Q3: Is the Term Still Used Today?

A: While the term “umbrellas” is not commonly used today to describe fake eyelashes, it remains a fascinating linguistic relic of mid-century beauty culture.

Q4: What Are Some Other Names for Fake Eyelashes?

A: Fake eyelashes are also known as false eyelashes, falsies, lash extensions, and lash strips, among other terms.

Q5: How Have Fake Eyelashes Evolved Over Time?

A: Fake eyelashes have evolved significantly since their inception, with advancements in materials, application techniques, and styles catering to diverse preferences and needs.


The question of whether fake eyelashes were ever called “umbrellas” unveils a captivating glimpse into the history of beauty culture. While the exact origins of the term remain shrouded in mystery, its existence reflects the creativity and ingenuity of past generations in defining and describing cosmetic trends. Whether as umbrellas or falsies, fake eyelashes continue to captivate and enhance the beauty routines of individuals worldwide.

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